
Part 1: Setting up your workspace


Note: Labs TS day starts at 9 AM.

1) From your Home page, click on your In Basket tab (the middle, light blue column).


3) Print out a copy of the Labs TS log

Detailed Instructions

4) Basic Labs: For questions about tubes/materials for any other labs, call 4-LABS. When placing labels on specimen tubes (blood or urine), please place them so that the short row of numbers printed at the far end of the label is sitting upright not upside down (this matters to Labs when they scan the tubes otherwise they end up having to remove each by hand and relabeling them). Also, place the label as far up on the tube as possible.

Urine: For questions, please call 4-LABS.

Sterile cups/dipsticks are found in the cabinet above the sink. Use a single-wrapped, sterile, vacuum transfer to move the urine from the cup to the yellow-topped tube.

STC = sterile top container (urine)

U2A = yellow tube (urine)

You can find the location of other supplies on this app; just search "supplies" from the home page.

5) If you aren't sure how to do something:

  • Read through the rest of the protocols on the Roles page, under Labs TS.
  • Ask the Head TS.
  • Call 4-LABS - they can be extremely helpful
  • Call/text the Chief TS.
  • Ask others around the clinic (often there is another TS senioring, or MD/PhDs who have been around a long time and know specifics of different protocols)