
Transition Script


Transition Initiation Script

This is meant to be used a guide for your first interaction with the patient in regards to transitioning them out of EHHOP care. Please make sure to cover every bullet point on the list. This interaction should only be initiated after first emailing Chief TS Joe-Ann Moser to make us aware of the potential need for transition when it is identified and to get medical approval for transitioning.

Explain why the patient is no longer eligible for care at EHHOP (acquired insurance or is eligible to acquire insurance)

Make sure the patient understands that they will be under EHHOP care until they are formally transitioned out at their final appointment which will only be scheduled once they are set up with a new clinic. This means medication, care, and anything else they need should still be done via EHHOP until they are fully transitioned into a new Primary Care Provider (PCP).

Gauge the patient’s feelings about being transitioned, are they positively inclined to the idea or opposed to it? This can help EHHOP leadership in determining future actions.

If the patient is leaving EHHOP due to insurance tell the patient that you can help them select a new PCP and pharmacy.

Help the patient identify a new Primary Care Physician (does not necessarily need to be completed in clinic) You can ask your Pt. whether s/he wants assistance in finding a new PCP and inquire about location, etc. preferences.

IMA, IFH, and Boriken are some nearby clinics - depends on patient plan and patient preferences

If seeking a PCP outside of IFH/IMA, etc.:

  1. Google “Insurance company name providers”
  2. Identify possible PCPs accepting the specific plan with consideration for pt’s location preferences
  3. Call these physicians, offices
  4. Confirm PCP accepts plan
  5. Ask if desired PCP is currently accepting new patients under this plan
  6. Provide patient with a list of possible physicians, encourage Pt. to contact his/her insurance company to verify that the plan covers this physician

NOTE: If the patient has a chronic care senior, you'll want to include him/her in the conversation.

Once a new clinic or PCP has been selected help the patient schedule their first appointment there.

Once the patient has an appointment with their new clinic or PCP schedule a final transition meeting in EHHOP for them just before their first appointment with their new care provider.

Email James Young with updates from this process.