Ordering Medications/Labs/Referrals Outside of Clinic
Making management changes outside of clinic:
- Formulate your plan
- Discuss with your TS mentor
- Send your plan to Dr. Meah, David Skovran, TS Mentor, and Chief TS in Epic as a staff message.
- To add an order or refill a medication, in Epic you can either 1) File a "Refill Medication" encounter (only if REFILLING a medication, though, NO NEW orders can be placed this way) or 2) addend an Office Visit and pend the order and include the date of the visit in the staff message.
- Note that telephone encounter are ONLY for documenting the changes in management or ordering medications or consult referrals. Any imaging referrals should be done through previous office visits. For more instructions, click here
- Don’t add orders to a student note
- Document your final plan in Epic as a telephone encounter once approved
- Communicate the plan with patient
- If ordering labs, please make sure to designate as a Future order
- If sending to IMA for labs during week, inform them to go to CAM Lobby Labs Room (17 E 102nd St), M-F 9AM-3:30PM for lab draw
Instructions for creating a staff message:
- Click on your InBasket tab at the top of your Epic screen
- Choose the NEW MSG tab
- Address the message to the following: Dr. Meah, David Skovran, TS Mentor, and Chief TS
- Populate "subject" with "med refill", "update in management", "orders to be signed" or another descriptor of your choosing
- Populate "patient" with the MRN of your pt and it should auto-populate with the name
- In the message, outline your plan, your request (i.e., med refill, new med script, new referral, etc) and be sure to include the date of the office visit where you pended the order.
- If you did not actually put the order in but are requesting the order be placed by the provider, then please indicate this.