
Day-of-clinic Duties


Overall flow of the day for Head TS

8:30-9:00AM: show up and set up your space

9:15AM: AM didactic + TS/CM announcements

9:45AM-10AM: sign in with clinic teams

Walk to each room and sign in with each team.

For the rest of the day: Manage clinic flow with the CMs and help with the below tasks:

Quick Visits

  • See any patients who are coming in for a Quick TS visit (ie refraction-only)
  • Present the patient quickly to the attending, but let them know that this is a Quick Visit and the patient will be followed up more extensively (if needed) at a regular visit
  • write a brief Student Note and co-sign to the Attending

Signing Out

Recommended Sign Out format:

I reviewed this case with (Junior and Senior names).

Attending: (Attending name)

Case Review: Pt is a y/o M/F with (relevant past medical history) who was referred to EHHOphtho for ______.

  1. Problem list with brief description/history

Prescriptions/Drops given:

Referrals (to Resident’s Ophthalmology clinics for Glaucoma, Retina, or specific studies)

Next Visit:

TS comments: if applicable