
Patient Eligibility


Workflow when we are accepting new patients:

The three requirements for a patient to be seen at EHHOP are:

  1. Does this person live in East Harlem? (ZIP code must be 10029, 10035, 10128 at or above 96th St.)

  2. Is this person 22 or older? (Must be ≥22)

  3. Does this person have insurance? (Must not have insurance AND must not qualify for insurance/Medicaid.) Emergency Medicaid (EMC) does not count– all EHHOP patients qualify for Emergency Medicaid!

Please note that the only exception to the Zip Code rule (step 1) is if the patient has a family member that is currently an EHHOP patient. In this case, contact the Chief TSs for next steps.

If a patient is eligible:

  1. Make an MRN for the patient if needed.

  2. Schedule the next available Full Visit appointment (marked as a "New") and Social Work appointment on Cerner. Do not overbook unless you receive approval from the Chief TSs or Chief CMs. If a patient requests an earlier appointment due to an urgent concern, let Chief TSs or CMs know!

  3. Add the patient name and information to this spreadsheet. Please add in the "New Patient" tab.

If a patient is not eligible OR we are at capacity

TS/CMs for the week should kindly inform the patient that we will unfortunately not be able to provide them with medical care. Let them know that we can give them the number of one of these free clinics.

You can also offer for them to speak with a social worker if there are additional resources that they are looking for. Email the SW with their information if that is the case.

Updated 7/2024