Author: Iris Chen 10/28/2015
Type .DIETEXERCISE into the history part of the student note to bring up the following template:
24 hr diet recall
- Breakfast:
- Lunch:
- Dinner:
Soda? (Y/N): If Y soda, how much per day?:
Juice? (Y/N): If Y juice, how much per day?:
% of meals in past week home cooked:
% of meals in past week eaten out:
Does patient have access to healthy food? (Y/N):
Within the past 12 mo, we worried whether our food would run out before we got money to buy more. (Y/N)
Within the past 12 mo, the food we bought just didn’t last and we didn’t have money to get more. (Y/N)
Times per week:
Minutes per day:
(high intensity = running, bicycling, swimming, soccer; low intensity = walking, yoga)
Type .DEGOAL into the assessments part of the student note to bring up the following template:
I counseled the patient on these diet/exercise topics:
Diet/exercise patient goals for next visit: