


This referral requires charity care.

Senior Clinician

Prior to surgery, make sure that patient has received appropriate pre-surgery instructions. Pay particular attention to which medications to continue vs stop, which can be informed by this and this. Review recommendations with Dr. Meah.

Teaching Senior

The Chief TS will be in contact re: whether the surgery is emergent, urgent, or elective.

  • If the surgery is emergent (e.g. AAA, appendectomy), the Chief TS will send the patient to the ED (if not done already).
  • If the surgery is urgent (e.g. incarcerating hernias, cholecystectomies), the Chief TS will coordinate with Dr. Susan Lerner in the surgery department.
  • If the surgery is elective (e.g. non-urgent hernia repair, non-urgent malignancy), the Chief TS will reach out for appropriate curbsides or send instruction to ACT/Referrals to make surgical consult appt (see below).

Prior to surgery, make sure that patient has received appropriate pre-surgery instructions. Pay particular attention to which medications to continue vs stop, which can be informed by this and this. Review recommendations with Dr. Meah.

Access to Care Team

For further support, contact the Ambulatory Referrals Manager.


The cost of surgery to the patient is variable and will depend on whether a curbsided surgeon will be able to offer surgery pro bono or if Emergency Medicaid will cover the cost of the surgery. Unexpected costs, including pathology and anesthesia, should be anticipated in advance.

The cost of an appointment for patients with charity care level 1 is $15. Appointments will be more expensive for patients with a higher charity care level. For these prices, contact the Ambulatory Referrals Manager.

Appointment costs (not surgical costs) by charity care level are as follows:

  • CCL1 - $15
  • CCL2 - $18
  • CCL3 - $36
  • CCL4 - $90
  • CCL5 - $108
  • CCL6 - $135
  • CCL7 - $180

Wait time

It takes about 2 weeks after a patient has received charity care for an outpatient surgery appointment to be scheduled. Urgent referrals can be expedited. Contact the Ambulatory Referrals Manager if the referral is urgent and needs to be expedited.

Contact Information

Outpatient Surgery: Suite 6C, CAM building, 17 East 102nd St (212) 659-8554

Hours: Tuesday and Thursday mornings

For questions, please reach out to the ACT Referrals Chair (see EHHOP Roster).