
Head Teaching Senior Pre-clinical Duties


1) Get to know the patient list

2) Triage the patient list (with Chief TS)

Clinic often is either overbooked or underbooked. Please also note that your triaging may be dictated by the # of Seniors and # of Attendings scheduled that day. The # of Seniors unfortunately is not always finalized early in the week, therefore please work closely with Student Recruitment Chair and Chief CM.

3) Create list of patients to pull-up

4) Respond to CC senior sign-ins

5) Prepare your Sign-In for patients

6) Email CMs with any info that should be relayed to patients by Tuesday

7) Prepare a 20-minute didactic topic

Email outline of didactic to Dr. Soriano and Chief TS by Wednesday at 5pm for feedback.

8) Respond to ACT/Referrals emails regarding patients to be seen that week by Friday

ACT should email you by Tuesday-Wednesday.

Please note that their email tends to compile a lot of information about patient referrals, many of which either will not become relevant until AFTER the clinic visit OR are outdated. You can make note of that in your email.